Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Health, Housing, Retreat, and Returning

First off, I'm sorry for not keeping this better updated. It is not a difficult or time-consuming task to jot down a couple prayer requests, and it's simply too important to ignore. Call it a resolution if you will, I'll strive to keep better updated.

So the prayer needs:

HEALTH: The first couple months went by relatively healthily, and for that thank you for praying. However, a few health problems have cropped up. The most ongoing of these has been that Sarah has been having trouble sleeping. She's been to the doctor numerous times and is still in the process of finding a medication that works consistently to give her sufficient quantity and quality of sleep to function well. Amanda had a few dental issues that are pretty much resolved, and seems to be almost fully recovered from a sudden eye infection that popped up almost a week ago. Ivan was not able to go on a 4 day trip with the rest of us since he woke up shivering and vomiting. He's feeling recovered from that but is in still in the midst of another occasional bout with stomach/digestive issues. Chelsea was having some back pain earlier this month and now is dealing with a lot of coughing and sore throat. On a plus note, Claudia's broken toe is fully healed. Finally, for myself, I've been waking up congested the last day or two and feel about on the edge of a cold. Also, last week I noticed a strange raised lump about the size of a dime on my wrist. It hasn't hurt or itched or turned funny colors but it's still pretty visible. I'll probably head into the doctor tomorrow to have it looked at. Prayer for additional wisdom in how to proceed there and in all these cases, as well as just healing and protection from additional illness would be greatly appreciated.

HOUSING: We are still in need of a new apartment for Ivan and me. Please keep praying that we would find one near our current location, and would have wisdom in how best to search.

RETREAT: As a team we will be going up to a retreat center this weekend to spend a little time regrouping/refocusing to be prepared to restart ministry with the restart of classes next Monday. Please pray for a relaxing time of good team interaction and learning.

RETURNING: Pray for safety and energy for students returning from Christmas break and wisdom in what to change and continue in ministry as we too return to campuses next week.

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